| 1. | We arenow a priate limited company and shall carry on the business to our mutual prosperity 现在我公司为私人有限公司,定为互相繁荣进行贸易往来。 |
| 2. | We arenow a private limited company and shall carry on the business to our mutual prosperity 现在我公司为私人有限公司,定为互相繁荣进行贸易往来。 |
| 3. | We are now a private linited company and shall carry on the business to our mutual prosperity 现在我公司为私人有限公司,定为互相繁荣进行贸易往来。 |
| 4. | Thank you for the kind words contained in your letter . we look forward to many years of mutual prosperity 谢谢您信中的体贴之言,期望我们共同繁荣若干年。 |
| 5. | And the local enterprises , including some private enterprises , are actively cooperating with the foreign companies and seeking mutual prosperity 营企业也积极与国外公司合作,共 |
| 6. | 2 the great promise of trade is its potential to promote mutual prosperity - - and to strengthen the bonds between sovereign nations 极其光明的贸易前景是促进相互繁荣和加强主权国家之间联系的潜力。 |
| 7. | He went on to say " the 48 group should carry on its important icebreaking work in the interests of mutual prosperity and world peace " 并接着说“ 48家集团将为共同繁荣和世界和平而继续重要的破冰工作。 ” |
| 8. | We will continue to plan and build cross - boundary infrastructure . we will expand the scope of co - operation within the prd for mutual prosperity 我们将继续努力策划及建造跨境基建,扩大合作范围,共创繁荣。 |
| 9. | Again , thanks to each of you for coming , and i look forward to working with you all over the next three years for our mutual prosperity and security 再次感谢各位的光临,我期待著和大家在未来的三年中为我们共同的繁荣和安全而努力。 |
| 10. | Our mission is " global quality , reasonable price , excellent service " . we are prepared to co - operate with our customers to win mutual developments and mutual prosperity 泰昌达坚持"国际化的质量、合理的价格、一流的服务"的宗旨,愿与海内外客商共创美好的明天! |